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Weather in Punta cAna, Best Fishing trips HERE

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Weather in Punta Cana

Most interesting and useful information about the weather in Punta Cana over here! As well as the best fishing trips!!!

Weather in Punta Cana  Dominican Republic,  at different times of the year
The local climate is not characterized by sharp temperature changes. There is almost always the same temperature of water and air here all year round. To understand this issue in more detail, you can consider the weather in the city for each individual month.

January Weather in Punta Cana

This month is officially the coldest for the region. Day and night temperatures are kept at 27 ° C and 22 ° C heat. Water is heated to an average of 25.6 ° C. It is worth knowing that the UV index at this time of the year is only 8 points. For the Caribbean, this is almost the minimum.

February Weather in Punta Cana

In February it gets warmer. Daytime air temperature is up to +28 ° С. In the evening, the thermometer column drops to a mark of +23 ° C. In addition, it is worth knowing that the water at the end of winter is heated to +26 ° C. As for the Sun, now it is slightly more active and we can no longer forget about protecting the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

March Weather in Punta Cana

In the afternoon, the thermometer readings are +28.2 ° C. At night, the column drops to +22.6 ° C. The water temperature remains the same as in February. As before, the amount of rainfall remains minimal – 50 mm. As for the UV index, here it already reaches 11 points. At this time of the year, it is advisable to maintain safety and not be in the open area after 12 noon. Sometimes windy days are likely in March. In some places, the flow rate of air masses can reach 30 km / h.

April Weather in Punta Cana

On average, the air temperature remains the same, but the water in the Caribbean is already warming up to +27 ° С. The humidity level is also rising. For a month, the average rainfall is 68 mm. Compared to March, April is not so windy and the air flow rate is less by about 10 km / h.

May Weather in Punta Cana

This period of the year can already bring downpours. Thus, the weather stability in Punta Cana is not about May. Along with the increase in humidity, the temperature rises. In the afternoon, its indicator can be at the level of +30 ° С. At night, it is slightly cooler – +24 ° C. The average rainfall can reach 155 mm, but in fact the figure is much less. In total, one rainy week can catch a tourist. The average wind speed is 18 km / h.

June Weather in Punta Cana

In June, air temperature is often felt above the real mark. In the afternoon, the thermometer shows about +30 ° C. At night it can become 6 ° lighter. The heat of water is estimated at +28 ° C. The risk of sunburn increases at times. Also, June is not liked by surfers, since the wind speed drops to 15 km / h and the likelihood of large waves at sea decreases.

July Weather in Punta Cana

The weather is almost similar to the one that prevails in June. However, the level of precipitation decreases and the temperature of the sea rises. In addition, winds intensify, because during this period, off the coast of the Dominican Republic, storms gradually arise. This leads to windy weather on the coast.

August Weather in Punta Cana

August is good because during this period of time in Punta Cana it is very hot, that is, ideal for a beach holiday. In the afternoon, the temperature reaches 31.3 °. At night, the indicator is +25.5 ° C. The sea is also very warm. However, hurricanes and rains are increasing this month. Going to the Dominican resort, you should know the weather forecast in advance. Most often it rains after dinner.


Most often, hurricanes hit the Dominican Republic in September. Although the most serious ones reach the country’s coast once every 3-4 years, caution will still not be superfluous. Plan your trip in advance. Rainfall for the beginning of autumn is the norm. Wind speeds in places reach 24 km / h. The average air temperature day and night is +30.6 ° C and +25.3 ° C, respectively.


One of the wettest periods in Punta Cana. The amount of precipitation can be about 160 mm. The heat of air and water remains at the same level. The activity of sunlight is reduced. As for the wind speed, it is only 10 km / h.


Day and night air temperature decreases slightly – up to +29.3 ° С and +23.7 ° С, respectively. The water off the coast of Punta Cana also gets a little colder, although +27.2 ° C is quite warm. UV indicator drops to 8 points. The wind intensifies, but the amount of precipitation decreases.


In December, the velvet season for vacationers begins. Storms recede from the coast, and rains become rare. The temperature during the day is +27.5 ° C. At night, the thermometer shows +22 ° C. The probability of getting a sunburn is lower because the UV level is only 7 points.