Deep sea fishing dominican republic
Today is December 5, 2019. The weather is good for deep sea fishing Dominican Republic. The ocean is almost calm. The wind is not strong. Personally, I prefer the ocean with a small wave due to the fact that it is better for fish biting.
Deep Sea Fishing Dominican Republic beginning
I stood as usual in the parking lot of the port of Punta Cana and was expecting my customers. Today, a neat fisherman with his wife, who wanted to catch Wahoo, was to come to visit me. 7 in the morning and the transfer with customers arrived on schedule, without delay. I met my guests, they turned out to be a couple of very nice people, Bill and Mary. We met and went to the boat. Having gone out into the ocean we threw the bait into the water and got ready for the first bite. Looked at the condition of the ocean, I did not count on a quick result and offered our guests drinks.
Deep Sea Fishing Dominican Republic – Fun starts
But suddenly the loud click of the reel and the first bite. Mary first sat in the fisherman’s chair and began to reel out her trophy. It was mahi-mahi of medium size. It was evident that fishing was familiar to Mary and she was not the first time doing it, I mean reeling the big fish out of the water. And another click of the reel. And one more swing on the hook. Bill unscrewed it straight from his feet, abandoning the fisherman’s belt. Professionalism was felt in his movements. And another bite and another Mahi. The first mate kept her on the hook not allowing to get off but also not reeling out. When Bill finished with the first fish he was given a fishing rod with another. And here are three Mahi Mahi in our fish box. For Bill and Mary, this fish was not something new and exciting, but rather it was familiar to them. Where they live, these fish are also found. But it was fun. After talking about fish and fishing, my guests went to the second deck and we continued to fish.
We walked for a long time and saw hunting birds and floating sticks but could not attack the Wahoo trail and suddenly a bite. By the beginning of the fishing line, we could understand that we took something big and strong. Bill was already in the chair of the fisherman and this time was ready for a serious battle. And it started and all of a sudden! A tiger shark bit out of the water and bit off half of our fish! This is not every day you see. Bill reeled out half of the big Wahoo then we joked about the shark and headed towards the shore. That is the end of my deep sea fishing Dominican Republic report for today.
Sweet Memories
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